Somatic Disorder

Somatic Disorders: How To Cope With The Help of Xanax?

Somatic disorders are a group of psychogenic diseases based on physical symptoms resembling somatic (bodily) disease, but no specific disorders of organs and systems can be detected. Simply put, this is the bodily living of psychological problems. According to statistics, 6.3% of the World’s population suffers from somatic diseases. And in recent years, patients with fuzzy, polymorphic somatic symptoms, rapidly replacing each other and not fit into the clinical picture of a particular disease, are becoming more common.

General practitioners, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, immunologists-allergists, endocrinologists and other doctors repeatedly examine and look for the causes of diseases in such people. Partly because of this, approaches to the treatment of somatoform disorders are not sufficiently developed. Other reasons are the lack of attention to somatoform disorder by psychotherapists and psychiatrists and the lack of consolidation of psychotherapeutic and general medical doctors in the fight against this pathology.

Causes of Somatic Disorders

It is practically useless to look for the source of somatic diseases on your own; here you will need the help of several specialists at the same time: a therapist, psychologist, neurologist and other doctors of narrow specialization. If with the help of laboratory tests a psychological orientation was established, then the reasons should be sought in the following:

  • unresolved conflicts, emotions of fear or intense anger are a common cause of exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • anxiety-depressive state, rest restrictions, problems in the sexual sphere lead to manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • social problems can cause ulcerative colitis;
  • persistent hypertension is caused by short-term emotional breakdowns in women, and in men – work of increased responsibility;
  • skin diseases (urticaria, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) are associated with self-doubt, low self-esteem, often with stress and nervousness;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is observed in those patients who are often exposed to negative influences from the outside.

What are Somatic Symptoms?

It is very often possible to determine the presence of somatic diseases without special diagnostic tests. For example, if it is a stomach problem, there are abdominal pains, acid burping. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system will lead to unstable blood pressure, and infectious-viral diseases to an increase in body temperature.

The difficulty in diagnosing symptoms is represented by psychosomatic disorders. Very often, such diseases are accompanied by personality disorders, depression, anxiety. A patient whose illness has arisen as a result of self-hypnosis often has problems with sleep, sexual disorders, loss of appetite, apathy and aversion to others. The most common symptoms of psychosomatic disorders of the initial stage are the symptoms described below.

Symptoms of Somatic Disorders are as follows:

  • Impaired appetite;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Pain syndrome;
  • Sexual Function Disorders;
  • Mental disorders in somatic diseases.

When identifying diseases that occur in a chronic form and require hospitalization, some patients experience an aggravation of feelings. In this case, somatic symptoms of a psychogenic nature will depend on the diagnosis, for example:

  1. Coronary heart disease, rheumatism are often accompanied by hypochondria, lethargy, irritability, decreased concentration and memory impairment.
  2. Somatic symptoms in detecting malignant tumors can manifest in increased fatigue, sub-depressive states, and neurosis.
  3. In patients with renal failure, many patients complain of muscle weakness, a sharp breakdown, and motor block.
  4. Nonspecific pneumonia is often accompanied by hyperthermia, euphoria, underestimation of the disease, manic or hallucinogenic manifestations.

Of course, all types of disorders are well known, but only a doctor can determine that they are associated with a somatic disorder. He can also determine their cause and prescribe the right treatment. To prevent the possibility of relapse, it is recommended to undergo preventive treatment courses.

Xanax and Somatic Disorder


Xanax is the most commonly prescribed drug for the treatment of somatic disorders of a psychogenic nature. It is a legal drug approved by the FDA. Xanax relieves muscle tension, has a relaxing effect on the whole body, perfectly fights against diseases of the nervous system. Doctors recommend taking Xanax to prevent the disease. Using Xanax gives positive results. Its use for the treatment of somatic diseases is one of the main advantages of modern medicine.